Auto Insurance

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Shop for Auto Insurance the smart way.

Finding the right insurance is a real challenge. It is a smart idea to get help from experts when it comes to choosing the right insurance. You have several choices when it comes to your coverage. As an independent agency, Nova Insurance can help you shop around and compare rates and coverages from multiple reputable insurance companies until you find a policy that meets your needs and budget.

Independent agents like us work for you – not insurers. While it costs you nothing to use the services of Nova Insurance, it could save you a lot of amount of time and money.  We can also help you assess your actual coverage needs so you are better protected against loss. If you already have coverage, we can shop to see if there is a better option for your needs. Get in touch today, and let's find you the best coverage for your needs.

Top 5 FAQS

How much auto insurance do I need?

Most states have a minimum requirement of coverage you are expected to have. You will need proof of this insurance to register a vehicle. These requirements will sometimes not be enough to cover the cost to you of an accident. If they are not, then you would be paying out of pocket any additional expenses. Because of that, you want to consider coverage that extends beyong the minum requirements. You will want to consider certain factors when determining the coverage you will need including:

  • The value of your assets
  • How often and when you drive
  • What type of car you drive
  • Who rides along with you
How much auto insurance do I need?

Most states have a minimum requirement of coverage you are expected to have. You will need proof of this insurance to register a vehicle. These requirements will sometimes not be enough to cover the cost to you of an accident. If they are not, then you would be paying out of pocket any additional expenses. Because of that, you want to consider coverage that extends beyong the minum requirements. You will want to consider certain factors when determining the coverage you will need including:

  • The value of your assets
  • How often and when you drive
  • What type of car you drive
  • Who rides along with you
How much does my state require?

Minimum requitements vary state by state. For specifica, please reach out to us and we can discuss htedetails with you. You can also look a tth

How can I lower the cost of my auto insurance?

There are a number of factors that contribute to the cost of your premium. Luckily, there are some things you can do to help reduce that cost. The specific car you drive greatly affects your premium. If you want lower premium costs, you might want to consider choosing or switching to an automobile that is slightly older and less valuable. The more your vehicle is worth, the more it will cost to insure it. There are also types of cars that are considered more risky than others, so you can consider this. If you don’t want to change cars, you can modify yours to make it safer. You can add anti-theft devices or features like anti-lock brakes. Also, you can select a higher deductible. Lastly, don’t let your insurance lapse. This can drive up rates.

Apart from the things you can do to your car, your driving record also affects the rate you pay. Keep a safe, clean driving record to reduce your costs as well. You can also try to minimize the distance you drive, to minimize costs further. One last alternative is to consider pairing your auto insurance with home insurance to drive down costs further.

Is my family covered by my plan?

Yes, family members are insured under your policy. The definition of family member is defined in your policy as a person related to you by blood, marriage or adoption who is a resident of your household. This includes foster children. However, please note these family members should be listed as drivers under your policy.

How do I compare auto insurance quotes?

Comparing insurance quotes can be confusing. That’s why Nova Insurance is here! We can compare rates with top companies in just minutes. We will also guide you every step of the way to help you choose the amount of insurance that best fits your needs.

Call for a quote:

(224) 255-3005

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